Your Health & Your Beauty Are My Priority!
Dr. Svetlana Megley Hill, PLLC
At this time, Dr. Svetlana Megley Hill, PLLC is not accepting new patients.
Monday - Friday
(30 minutes per patient)
We are a self-pay clinic (pay per treatment/visit) and we do not file with insurance. Our practice has discounted rates for all new and all established patients. If you choose to file with your insurance company, you can submit a copy of the billing statement you receive from Dr. Svetlana Megley Hill, PLLC.

For any medical issues, changes or concerns you will be required to see Dr. Svetlana Megley Hill, MD for a visit. Any additional communication via secured, encrypted emails in place of an appointment, regarding paperwork, forms or changes will have a charge.
There will be a $25 fee for no-show patients.
Dr. Svetlana Megley Hill, MD will contact you around the time the appointment is scheduled for. Please note that incoming calls regarding the start of your appointment will not be accepted.